Does MAGNERAK work with fly fishing rods?
MAGNERAK does not work with FLY Fishing Rods. Both models can transport 3 to 5 saltwater or freshwater fishing rods with baitcasting, spinning and conventional reels. Transport 2 rods up to 12' and 1 rod up to 9' long or up to 5 rods with reels of various sizes.
Is it safe? Will it fly off?
MAGNERAKs are safe for all legal U.S. speed limits up to 85 MPH and will not move or fly off.
Is it easy to steal MAGNERAK M1?
It is not easy to steal MAGNERAK. We currently include a security locking system with your M1 order which locks down MAGNERAK M1 to your vehicle. You can quickly secure MAGNERAK M1 when making stops at gas stations, restaurants, etc., and when away from your vehicle for short periods of time.
Will it scratch the paint on my vehicle's roof?
MAGNERAK M1 will not scratch the paint of your vehicle. The magnetic feet has special rubber covers that prevents this.
How can I put 2 MAGNERAKs on my vehicle?
Most vehicles can accommodate 2 MAGNERAKs. Make sure there are no bumps on the roof in the path of the magnets and all 4 magnets can have even contact with the roof. Put down the 2nd rack from passenger side just like you would the first rack. This time you will be holding the rack in the same direction of vehicle from passenger side so the hinge side of the rack will be facing you when you put it down. Follow the general steps like the 1st one.
Will big shark reels and big game boat reels fit?
MAGNERAKs can accommodate most surf reels except larger big game conventional reels used in shark fishing and big game fish on boats. If the reel fits - you can transport it! But please do not transport rods bigger than two 12' and one 9' at one time.
Will the tips of my rods hit each other?
Tips of rods don't hit each other at high speeds. On very windy days and rough weather sometimes the tips may hit each other depending on if the rods are over 10' and how stiff they are. Many salmon and steelhead rods that are 9' or bigger and very flexible and therefore are not suitable for MAGNERAKs at high speeds.
Can I drive in the rain and thunderstorms?
Yes MAGNERAK has been tested in rain and thunderstorms in Texas and a few other states in our cross country trip. Please drive carefully and slow down. See below on how to use in the rain.
How fast can I go in rough weather?
In rough weather you should slow down to safe speeds and on highways you must slow down and use extreme caution. If there are flying debris and/or in a storm you should follow evasive or defensive protocol that you normally would in said situation and seek shelter.
Can I go off-road?
Yes you can go off-road. MAGNERAK will not move or detach. When driving off-road with 12' rods please use caution so the tip of the rods don't hit each other.
Can I put MAGNERAK down on sand or gravel?
Do not put MAGNERAK down on sand or gravel. Many metallic impurities will stick to magnets and they must be thorougly wiped clean or they will scratch your paint on the roof and reduce magnetic strength and performance.
Can I put it down when it is raining?
When raining wipe the roof as dry as possible and quickly put MAGNERAK down. Holding MAGNERAK with both hands gently apply forward pressure to see if it is secure. With gentle horizontal pressure it should not move. If it does, lift MAGNERAK off and inspect feet and roof for impurities and dirt. Wipe clean again and put down.
Can I put it on at the beach?
When faced with excessive sand at the beach you have to make sure all sand is wiped off clean from the contact points of the roof where the magnets will rest and the magnets themselves.
Can I use it in a snow storm?
Yes. Hardcore fishermen can use it in a snowstorm. Slow down and drive safe.
How fast can I drive?
MAGNERAKs are rated for all legal U.S. speed limits and in Texas up to 85 MPH on designated highway.
How do I put it on?
Wipe driver's side roof and magnetic feet before putting on. Hold MAGNERAK with front facing the left in the same direction as the vehicle and gently tilt MAGNERAK towards the passenger's side so two of the passenger side magnetic feet touch first. Then gently place down the other 2 feet close to you. Make sure the rack and the rods are aligned fairly straight in the direction of your vehicle. See #29 for info on proper placement.
How do I take it off?
To take off, pull up the Release Strap located in the rear with your right hand while holding the front of MAGNERAK with your left hand. When the right corner magnet lifts up - grab both ends of MAGNERAK and carefully lift MAGNERAK off of the vehicle.
What if I have to go into a store?
When stepping away for short periods from your vehicle you should use the theft deterrent Security Locking System to lock MAGNERAK M1 to your vehicle.
Can I put it on backwards?
No, you must not put MAGNERAK on vehicles backwards as they were designed specifically to face forward.
Can I put tackle inside MAGNERAK?
Please do not put tackle or anything else inside MAGNERAK except fishing rods that have reels mounted on and lines secured tightly. Please remove all sinkers but you may leave terminal tackle hooked and secured with the drag tight.
What else can I put in MAGNERAK?
Please do not put anything else inside MAGNERAK except fishing rods with reels mounted.
Do I have to lock the latches with keys?
Yes for your safety and safety of your gear, always lock the latches when in use on a vehicle.
How do I know if I put M1 down straight?
Walk in front of vehicle 10' away and stand facing the center of vehicle. The rods and rack should be fairly straight facing forward. Inspect it from the front and rear of vehicle as well as driver's side. Then inspect the rack if it moves with gentle pressure back and forth. Make sure all magnets have full contact and are not tilted or on a bump on the roof. If your vehicle has a curved roof without a sunroof - you can put it down toward the top of the curve so the rods are horizontal to the ground and not angled up or down. Some vehicles have an angled roof or may have sunroof which will limit your options and that is okay too.
How do I know if I put M1 on properly?
After putting M1 down inspect it from the front and rear of vehicle as well as driver's side. Then inspect the rack if it moves with gentle pressure back and forth. Make sure all magnets have full contact and are not tilted or on a bump on the roof. Many vehicles have bumps on roof going in the direction of the vehicle and they must be avoided.
There are bumps on my vehicle's roof. How do I put it down?
Go around bumps - Make sure the magnets are not on the bumps. Not even partially. Try not to touch the bump with the feet and have some clearance.
Can I use M1 if the rods are resting on something in the front or cross bars in the back?
If there is any obstruction for the rods in the front like wind deflectors and LED light kits, or in the rear like roof racks or cross bars, please do not use MAGNERAK as the magnets may not be making full contact with the roof.

How many keys do I get?
You get 4 identical keys with each MAGNERAK.
How long is the warranty?
We offer a 1 year limited warranty. CLICK HERE for warranty details.
How many surf rods and reels does it hold?
MAGNERAK can hold 3 surf rods with reels, 2 up to 12' and 1 up to 9' depending on heavy tackle or light tackle (or combination) you could have up to 5 rods and reels. Once you figure out how each combination can be accommodated it will be easy to quickly put in and take out gear when on the go.
How much roof space do I need?
You need 23" of roof space in length and 14" of clearance in width.
What are the dimensions?
MAGNERAKs are approximately 28" long, 14" wide and 11" tall. The magnets are separated 21.5" apart in length and require 23" of roof clearance in length for use.
How heavy are the racks?
M1 weighs 15 lb 8.6 oz
C1 weighs 9 lb 3 oz
If I lose my keys can I get replacement keys?
Contact us for key replacements. The cost is $9.99. Price includes FREE SHIPPING.
Does MAGNERAK work with fly fishing rods?
MAGNERAK does not work with FLY Fishing Rods. Both models can transport 3 to 5 saltwater or freshwater fishing rods with baitcasting, spinning and conventional reels. Transport 2 rods up to 12' and 1 rod up to 9' long or up to 5 rods with reels of various sizes.
How do I clean MAGNERAK?
To clean MAGNERAK you may use a microfiber vehicle cleaning cloth to gently wipe off rain, water, dust, fingerprints and smudges, etc. MAGNERAK can be gently hosed down with water and hand dried quickly for a clean dry finish inside and out. You may also use water mixed with a mild detergent to get tougher dirt or bugs off and wipe dry with microfiber cloth immediately.
There is dirt on the bottom of the magnetic feet. What do I do?
Clean all magnetic feet thoroughly with a soft cloth before use.